Phytotherapeutics, Biotechnology, Immune System, Reproductive SystemAbstract
Moringa oleifera, native to the southern regions of Asia, has earned the nickname "tree of life" due to its rich bioactive composition, ensuring significant biotechnological potential in pharmacological, nutritional, immunological, and reproductive studies derived from its leaves, flowers, fruits, stems, and roots. Therefore, the objective of this review is to elucidate the importance of the biotechnological potential of M. oleifera within the immunological and reproductive context. In immunological studies, its polyphenols, flavonoids, and isothiocyanates exhibit immunomodulatory properties by stimulating cytokine production and strengthening the immune response, particularly under immunosuppressive conditions, also providing antimicrobial activity against bacterial, viral, and fungal pathogens. In reproductive studies, Moringa has been shown to improve semen quality by increasing sperm count and motility in animal models while protecting against oxidative damage to the testes, also helping in hormonal regulation and the protection of the endometrium and ovaries. With promising applications, Moringa oleifera can be used in the development of immunomodulators, fertility therapies, contraceptives, and natural antioxidants, offering effective and cost-efficient therapeutic alternatives for both human and animal health. These attributes reinforce its role as a valuable resource for biotechnological research.
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